Using Google to help you search and understand

I, Apple Strudel, after completing my google search assignment learned how to make the google search engine clarify my understanding of  what I am reading on the screen.

For instance when I wrote the simple word ‘dog’ in the search box on the left hand side of the page in fancy letters appeared: Canis Lupis Familiaris. “What in the world?” I thought, “Is dog another word for a sexually transmitted disease?” However, my fears were alleviated because after doing my homework, I knew to type in define: Canis Lupis Familiaris in the search box. The results? Dog does not mean STD in Latin. Phew. Thank goodness for google define.

I also learned that when I see the speaker icon, I can click it and the word or sentence will be spoken out loud. This is nice to know that I don’t always have to read but I can simply listen to what is written on the screen.

One of the best features of google search is a user can search for videos, images and patents. I did not know that. I am now researching patents easily without going through lots of trouble. Google has patents for U.S. and Europe. When I start my business, I plan on going international. In the last two hours, I’ve read 20 different patents that have the word ‘dog’ in them.

Searching for how many dog breeds, I discovered there are 151. I used the roll over tool which always me to preview the webpage. One preview was for dogs that were good with children. I skipped that and previewed the next page listed by hovering on the right side. I was more interested in seeing best dog breeds and found that the webpage was unreliable because dachshunds were not #1, so I skipped it.

My next favorite part of the search engine was 3-D images. People are beginning to print my breed in plastic 3-D models. I also googled ‘dachshund sewing’ and found beautiful images of needle point patterns of dachshunds which will make great kneelers for pews in church. Did you know St.Francis’ favorite animal was the dachshund? Special!  Dachshunds are mentioned highly in high regards in many Ancient Holy Scriptures. However, you need extra special google search tools to find these sacred texts.

Halloween Costumes: a must see for the stylish dog.

Improved Web Design:

Halloween Is Around The Corner!

For the best breed of all — Dachshunds! Don’t over estimate the mouth watering hotdog costume. When you are a classic beauty, themes such as this one are timeless. One thing us Dachshunds always do— is keep it spicy! (like the mustard condiment pictured above.)

Russell Terriers are super hip. Why not go as

Professor David Luneau?

Click here for more on David Luneau, a bird watcher!

Click here for more about Birds and David, a friend to all things wild and in danger!

Last but not least is the adorable cousin to the Dachshund….

The Bassad Hound

Why not dress your slow moving dog with long ears as the detective Sherlock Holmes?

Don’t forget special halloween treats for man’s best friend! Click the dog biscuit for delicious recipes.

Happy Halloween! Keep your tail up! Love, Apple Strudel

Apple’s Favorite Website

As a discerning dog who likes to eat and travel, I, Apple Strudel do solemnly swear that my favorite website is

Why do I like this website? Woof! The answer is I can easily click on any state in the great U.S. of A. and find which restaurants dogs are welcome and which hotels appreciate dogs. For instance, one day I hope to plan a trip to the beach but not all beaches allow ‘los perros’. But when I log onto Bring Fido, I can read about the sun dappled sand and refreshing ocean breezes where I am welcome.


One of the neat things about this website is there are links which lead me to other websites. If I want to go out for a nice dinner in Little Rock, I click on the city and four restaurants show up. Do you want to know which ones? Purple Cow and Leo’s Greek Castle. Both establishments are fabulous and my owners take me there mucho!

If the grandchildren come to visit and they want me to stay in the hotel with them, I go to Bring Fido website and find which hotels are pet friendly. I book them at La Quinta or Embassy Suites.

The feature I do not like about this website is there is a box that says ‘Dog Sitters’ or ‘Dog Boarders’. If you click it, all the local dog sitters will appear with their contact information. Dog sitters go away. I do not want my owners to go on vacation without me. Why would a dog friendly website give links and contact information for substitute guardians? Terrible! Horrifying! Scary!

It’s the weekend and I’d like to find a Frisbee game. I will go to Bring Fido and see which parks in Little Rock have pick up Frisbee games and at what time.  Woof! By the way, I like my margaritas frozen with salt.

Prof. Johnston asks the students to talk about their time management skills

Woof! This is an easy assignment. I have a solid routine. As soon as my owners let me out of the laundry room, I run to the front door to greet the day. I patrol the yard for any animals that may have trespassed during the night and then I return to the kitchen for my morning belly rub and scratch before breakfast.

The best part of my day is the daily walk. The walk is important for keeping my figure slim and my state of mind positive. Exciting events always happen. I chase squirrels, bunnies and sometimes deer. I dig for chipmunks and basically want to explode with happiness. When it is hot out, my owners let me take a dip in a nearby creek. Stagnant swamp is my favorite type of spa pool because of the aromatherapy qualities, but usually I have to settle for the small creek. The creek scent is moss and rock and this smells good but not as good as swamp.

Midday I nap anywhere on the floor where there is a beam of sunshine to keep me warm. I like to gather my toys around me while I nap.

Afternoon, I get on-line and do my homework assignments, bark at the postwoman who I love because she gives me Milk Bone Cookies. Not long after the mail arrives, my owner will begin to cook dinner and I usually hover around her ankles waiting for her to drop pieces of food. If it wasn’t for me licking up her mess from chopping, sauteing and tossing — the floor would be a dirty scrap pile. Sometimes after dinner, my owners will  watch Game of Thrones and I get to snuggle in between them on the couch. I am never allowed on the furniture except when Game of Thrones comes on TV. I love Khaleesi! She reminds me of myself. She is small, foxy and rules.

Before bed, one last sniff around the yard to howl at the moon and then back to the laundry room where I have really good dreams about chasing rabbits.